Never Let COVID Win
The news today is pretty overwhelming. It even got me, the eternal optimist, questioning things. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. All we have to do is believe, and like Eddie Kendricks says, “Keep on Truckin“.

The COVID 19 Blues
I try to always see the positive side of everything in life. Negativity breeds negativity and I’d much rather be happy. However, the other day everything just kind of hit me all at once and I let it get it me. The worry that my kids are now unemployed. The stress that our AC unit broke down right as the weather heats up. But, because of the shut down they can’t order the part to fix the unit for a minimum of 30 days. The frustration that my knee is still in this brace for 4 weeks and now our state is in an official Stay at Home order until April 30th.

One thing after another and I finally broke. Trust me, I know I’m not alone. I can only imagine the stress, fears and frustrations that you feel as well. These are unprecedented times and ‘fear of the dark’ is a very real thing. We have no idea what our country, our world will look like on the other side of this, let alone how long it will take to get there.
Reality Check
Finally, I decided enough was enough. Sure, things look bleak right now but you know what? There are positives too. Thankfully, my husband and I are in a position where if the kids need help, we can help them. Yes, we live in the American South and yes, it’s supposed to be 88 degrees today. But, we’re nowhere near the humidity levels of summer so we can endure.

Honestly, being forced to stay at home for 30 days is kind of the perfect time for my knee injury to happen. Irony? Or Devine intervention? Most importantly, my family is healthy. So many of our fellow Americans are not healthy right now and many more will fall ill before this is over. Every one of them are in my prayers daily, sometimes hourly.
One Last Road Trip
Finally, I received an email from my local quilt shop (LQS) that they were going to be open yesterday for a few hours before the Stay at Home order took effect and they’d be forced to close their doors for a month. So, seeing as how my 14-day quarantine was finally over I decided this was my one chance to get out of the house briefly before hibernation. So, I showered and donned my favorite t-shirt and headed out.

Keep in mind that because I live in the country, my LQS, Sew Much Fun, is about an hour drive from me so I relished in the fresh air and the open road. As I turned onto the first highway (there are 3 between us) the first thing I saw was trucks. Lot and lots of trucks. Yes, there are usually trucks on that highway but not like this. I’d never seen so many at once on that road. I almost instantly teared up.
Truckers are Leading the Way
A dear friend of mine was a trucker for many years so the truckers hold a place in my heart anyway but right now with the craziness in this world and in our country it’s the truckers that are keeping us moving. It’s the truckers that are bringing our supplies to our grocery stores as quickly as possible. It’s the truckers that are transporting medical supplies to the hospitals and urgent cares around the country. It’s the truckers that are not sleeping, that are sacrificing more time away from their families, that are putting themselves in harm’s way by getting out there and doing their job. So please take a minute and say a prayer for our truckers. God bless them on their journey.

Three highways and much solo car karaoke later and I’d arrived at Sew Much Fun. Along with offering curb side service, they were asking everyone to use hand sanitizer upon entering and everyone was keeping to the 6-foot social distancing, even those of us at the cutting counter.
Back to the Quilt Shop
As usual, I did go into the shop with a list. I needed a variety of blue batiks and thread. That was it. However, also as usual, I left with way more than that. In my defense, the extra fabrics I bought are all for another planned quilt pattern sample! Yes, I’m working on 2 new patterns along with the samples for my upcoming book. More on that later.

What sparked the whole extra buying thing was I stumbled upon this amazing new fabric called Equinox by Flora Bowley for P&B Textiles. The print just jumped off the shelf as I walked by. It reminded me of some of the graffiti art in Seattle in the 1990’s. I just knew I wanted to use it in my Twisted design.

New Patterns!?
Unfortunately, I can’t show you the pattern yet because it’s not finished, but I CAN show you the delicious fabrics I pulled in to go with Equinox! I pulled in 2 fabrics from Kaffe Fassett lines, Urchins and Orchids. I just LOVE his fabrics! Also, in the mix are Pop Dot from Windham Fabrics, a fabulous blue swirl from Benartex and this gorgeous new grunge from Moda. I do love those grunge fabrics.
So, all those paired with a basic grey for the background and I’m set! I couldn’t wait to get home and start cutting. I’m super excited about this project and can’t wait to share it with you! Hey, there’s another positive from all this shut down business, more time to finish my quilt patterns for you!
We’re Going to be OK.

I guess what all this madness going on right boils down to is that we’re scared. We’re worried for our families, for ourselves, for our country and for our world. But my mother used to say “This or something better” and I’m holding tight to that. If not this, then there is something better waiting on the other side. I don’t know what that looks like just yet but I have faith things will all work out. We will get through this together, even if we’re only coming together online. Hey, there’s another positive, how many of us are learning new things like working and playing online? We’ll all be Zoom aficionados before long!
What other positives do you see heading into this strange new world?
- Complete List of Quilt Shows in 2022 – Regularly updated!
- Can you complete the Big Quilter’s Bucket List?
- How to Turn a Quilt Show Trip into a Grand Adventure!
- My Best Tips for Attending a Quilt Show!
- Complete Lists of Quilt Shops in the US!
- Like Museums? Check out the entire list of Quilt and Textile Museums around the World!
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Thanks Rona, Positive hope is all I will allow. We are stronger together sharing our feelings and thoughts at this time. Yes I am alone, but not really. I have my beautiful wonderful dogs, Lucy and Tootsie. I am baking cookies for them today. It has meaning and purpose. I am also sewing mask for my daughters office. Yes they are not perfect but offer some protection and can be washed every day. Our local sewing aka quilting community is closer than ever even though we are not physically together. I know one day we will all understand the reason for this moment in time. I think it is in the Devine plan to let Mother Earth heal. Love to you and remembering our time in Ireland.
That’s wonderful Kathy! I too love baking cookies, for dogs or humans. 🙂 Sometimes it’s hard to see the positive, especially for people like me to need control and so much of the whole world is out of control. You are also so right that even though we may be alone, we are all connected. Thank God for the internet! We can share out thoughts and fears and help keep each other up and going until we reach the other side. Love to you and your beautiful fur babies!!