Are you a Quilt Shop or Quilt Retreat Center on one of our lists? Want to have your listing stand out from the rest? Have customers click directly over to your website or Facebook page?
Then you should be a Featured Listing!

As we are the one-stop-traveling-quilter location on the internet, tens of thousands of people visit the various lists on this website every month and word of mouth keeps spreading every day!
We have visitors including quilters, businesses, designers, teachers and more that use my lists for their needs. Quilters from around the world looking for shops and retreats to visit on their travels across the US. Teachers looking for retreats to teach at. Even fabric companies and pattern designers looking for new shops to work with.
Wouldn’t it be great if they found your listing first?
What is a Featured Listing?
As a Featured Listing on one of our lists, you will receive:
- an enlarged listing (larger than the standard so your listing will stand out)
- a LIVE link to your business website
- 1 image of your logo
- and 1 tagline (maximum 50 characters)
What will my listing look like?
As a Featured Listing your shop will not only have a Live Link under your city listing, but you will also be added to the top of the list under “Featured Listings”. There, we’ll include your logo, shop information, tagline and ANOTHER Live Link to your website!
Click HERE to see a sample listing on the Ohio state list.
How much does it cost?
To have a featured listing is only $10 per month, per listing (paid annually every January). If you are signing up after January, your total charge will be pro-rated to the end of the current year.
How do I sign up?
Ready to have your listing featured? Simply fill out this request form and we’ll be in touch!