A Quilt Shop Spotlight
Don’t you just love it when you unexpectedly stumble upon the most amazing quilt shop in the middle of nowhere!?
On our great cross country journey of 2022, we stopped in the small town of Lusk, Wyoming for lunch. As we pulled into town, the first thing I noticed were barn quilts… everywhere! Of course, I started to get excited. This many barn quilts must mean there’s a quilt shop! Sure enough. Lickety Stitch Quilts was just down the road.

Located right on highway 18 as you’re traveling toward Rapid City, South Dakota (Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse monuments), Lickety Stitch Quilts couldn’t be more perfectly located.
What Lickety Stitch Quilts offers
Walking in the front door of Lickety Stitch Quilts I was blown away by the sheer size of this quilt shop! It definitely does not look this big from the outside.

Traveling Quilter Books$14.95 – $39.90
Quilted Keychain Pattern (PDF)$5.00
Quilter’s Travel Journal – Shows and Retreats$19.95
Water Crystals Quilt Pattern$12.00
Winter 3-in-1 Table Quilts Pattern$12.00
There was just about anything a quilter could need on those shelves. Beautiful quilts hanging on the walls. Honestly, I could live here. 🙂
After talking with the owner (Karen) and customers at Lickety Stitch Quilts, I learned that Lusk is actually a popular stopping spot for quilters on their way to a Retreat center up the road a ways. And, the town of Lusk holds their own huge Quilt Retreats twice a year! This really is a quilters paradise in the Midwest!

Even my husband got in on the fun. After helping this nice quilter take a quick photo, she gave him a quick lesson in a fun quilting program on her phone!

And then I saw the second room…
Just through the doorway in the wall is Lickety Stitch Quilts’ original store when they opened in 2010. Today, it holds their classroom, more notions and even more fabric! Panels, specialty fabrics, licensed fabrics just to name a few!

Don’t you just love how they have the panels organized in these great little wooden boxes!?

Lickety Stitch Quilts offers classes of all kinds including:
- Beginner quilting
- Specialty Ruler instruction
- Specialty projects
- Unique quilting techniques and
- Barn quilts!!

About those barn quilts…
As Karen explained, in 2015 the town of Lusk, Wyoming had a devastating flood. With 2 feet of standing water, it just destroyed the Lickety Stitch Quilts’ shop. To help restore the town’s morale and bring the community together, they organized a group project to make barn quilts! And yes, they really are all over the town, including our lunch spot… the Outpost Cafe!

The next time you’re in town, see if you can spot them all!
Contact Lickety stitch quilts:
206 S. Main St, Lusk, WY 82225 (307) 334-9963 karen@licketystitchquilting.com
Website: https://www.licketystitchquilts.com/
And don’t miss their weekly Facebook Lives on the Lickety Stitch Quilts Facebook page!
Needless to say, if you’re ever driving through Lusk, Wyoming, be sure to make time to see the folks at Lickety Stitch Quilts’ shop. They’re more than worth the visit!!
- Complete List of Quilt Shops in Wyoming
- More Quilt Shop Spotlights
- Can you complete the Big Quilter’s Bucket List?
- Complete Lists of Quilt Shops in the US!
- Like Museums? Check out the entire list of Quilt and Textile Museums around the World!
Do you know someone who’d love the Lickety Stitch Quilts? Click the buttons below to share with your friends! Then be sure to join us in the Traveling Quilters group on Facebook for more travel adventures!
more on the blog
from the e-store
Traveling Quilter Books$14.95 – $39.90
Quilter’s Travel Journal – Shows and Retreats$19.95
North Carolina Quilt Retreat$200.00
Traveling Quilter T-shirt – Unisex$25.00
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