How many have you accomplished?

Have you taken the Bucket List Challenge?
Here’s how the Ultimate Quilter’s Bucket List Challenge works. It starts with 3 levels. Each level gets progressively harder to accomplish. But, each level also leads into the next. For instance, Level 1 requires you to visit 5 new Quilt shops. Where in Level 2 you are required to visit 25 new Quilt shops, and so on.
I’ve also added an extra section at the end of my personal Quilters Bucket List items that may, or may not fit into your desires. Who knows, maybe we’ll be able to accomplish a few of them together?
Also, I know some of these items may take a few weeks. Some may take a few months. And others may even take a few years to accomplish. But, no matter how long it takes, fun, adventure and quilting awaits!
Level 1
Level 1 is definitely the easiest and best place to start. In fact, I’d be willing to bet you’ve already checked a few of these off your list. If so, try doing them again! I know I’m always up for more Shop Hops and Quilt Shows. 😀
- Participate in one Quilt Shop Hop
- Visit a Quilt Museum
- Visit 5 NEW Quilt Shop
- Attend a Quilt Show
- Take a Barn Quilt Scavenger Hunt
- Learn 1 new Quilting technique
- Finish 1 UFO (Unfinished Object / Project)
- Make 1 Scrap Quilt
- Donate 1 Quilt to charity
- Join a Quilting Guild
Level 2
Now the Level 1 items were pretty simple, right? In fact, you may have already checked off several of them already. But in Level 2 we start to get a little bit bigger. Here we start to stretch out our goals and adventures. How many can you check off this year?
- Participate in 5 Quilt Shop Hops
- Plan and execute your own Shop Hop with friends!
- Visit every Quilt Museum in the United States
- Visit 25 NEW Quilt Shops
- Attend 5 Quilt Shows
- Attend a National Quilt Show
- Participate in a Quilt Retreat
- Learn 3 New Quilting techniques
- Finish all of your UFO’s (a truly lofty goal from some – me included!)
Ok I’ll be honest. That finishing of all the UFO’s bit I had trouble deciding where to place. You see, I know several quilters who don’t have any UFO’s. They actually make one quilt at a time, start to finish.
I wish I was that organized! Unfortunately, I currently have 42 UFO’s at last count. So that means I MAY get them all done before I die. HA! Where does your UFO count fit in?
Everything you didn’t know you needed to know about quilting travel! Click HERE to learn more!

Level 3
Now, if Level 2 wasn’t as tough as you thought, may I present Level 3. These items are what make this the Ultimate Quilter’s Bucket List. You see, these items require a lot more planning and may prove a bit more daunting.
But I have faith! Let’s see how many of these amazing items we can check off this year! Or, at the very least get started planning for next year. 🙂
- Visit at least 1 Quilt Shop in ALL 50 States
- Visit 50 NEW Quilt Shops
- Attend 10 Quilt Shows
- Attend an International Quilt Show
- Explore Quilt Town USA, Hamilton, Missouri
- Explore the home of Quilting, Paducah, Kentucky
- Take a Quilt Tour!
- Use up all your scraps in Scrap Quilts
- Volunteer for the Board of your Quilting Guild

My Personal Quilter’s Bucket List
When I put together my personal Quilter’s Bucket List I got very specific on certain things I want to accomplish. Now, it may take me a few years to check these one’s off, but it’ll definitely be worth the wait!
Here is my list of specific Quilter’s Bucket List Items I want to accomplish. Could some of them be added to your Quilter’s Bucket List as well?
- Host a Quilt Retreat
- Make a Collage Quilt
- Decorate my Sewing studio with quilts
- Complete my first Hexi quilt
- Attend all of the International Quilt Shows around the World
- Visit the Dignity Statue in Chamberlain, South Dakota
- Take a class from the Tent Makers of Egypt
- Tour a Batik factory in Bali
- Learn Block Printing in Indonesia
- Learn to make Dutch Wax fabric in Ghana/Tanzania, Africa
- Visit the Liberty of London fabric shop
- Visit the American Museum in Bath, England
- Make a quilt using Yarn – Learn ‘couching’ technique
- Teach at an International Quilt Festival
- Host a successful Quilt Show!
Ok, so I MIGHT get a few of those personal Quilter’s Bucket List items checked off this year. But, I’m definitely checking off many of the international ones so stay tuned!! Who knows. I may even add more items as we go along.
What are your big Quilter’s Bucket List items for this year? Or even for your 5 year plan? I’d love to compare notes!
And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media so we can keep each other updated on our Ultimate Quilter’s Bucket List adventures!!

In the fifth installment of Quilt Babble LIVE! with Lisa and Rona, we discuss all things Quilting Bucket List. What’s on our lists. What you should add to your lists. And even some fabulous tips on patterns, designers and gadgets to use on your projects!
Click HERE to watch the full episode!
Ready for even MORE quilting challenges?
The Quilter’s Bucket List Challenge Workbook gives you a place to doodle, explore, design and stretch your creativity farther than you ever thought possible. These unique Springtime themed challenges range from techniques to fabric placement and even inside versus outside your sewing area!
Click HERE to learn more!!

Related Posts:
- Complete lists of Quilt Shops in the US
- Ready to plan a Shop Hop road trip? Start HERE!
- Click Here for all my FREE Project Posts
Do you know someone who’d love to take the Bucket List Challenge? Click the buttons below to share with your friends! Then be sure to join us in the Traveling Quilters group on Facebook for more travel adventures!
More on the blog
From the e-store
Traveling Quilter Books$14.95 – $39.90
Quilter’s Travel Journal – Shows and Retreats$19.95
Life Happens, Quilting Helps Quilting T-Shirt UnisexOriginal price was: $25.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00.
Stonehenge Quilt KitOriginal price was: $149.00.$120.00Current price is: $120.00.
Thank you for pulling this all together! Very helpful to see what is near me…and beyond!😎
Dear Rona,
Hi, I am Donna French Johnson. I am a Long Islander recently transplanted into the Hudson River Valley to mind my little grandson. Moving into what I refer to as the wilderness has and is an abrupt change in my life. Because I have no friends here I took up quilting for the creativity and the society of other quilters. I throughly liked this email. The one thing that is greatly bothering me is that as of last August 2022 I finished my 4 year journey of visiting all 50 States and Capitols. I am a “Capitol Collector “ too. I was so focused on my travel schedule I forgot to include a Quilt shop collection. Darn.
I did visit one that I previously visited, Tres Amie quilt shop in New Orleans. Wonderful place to visit. I hope to travel more. We live in a great country with wonderful people. Thanks for your outstanding efforts to bring us this information 😊 Donna
I got stopped on the first level! UFO’s!!!
I like starting them but get distracted easily. Not a very good traveler but plan to start.
My quilt bucket list for 2023 was to attend quilting retreats. I attended a one day camp, the Gee Bend quilting retreat in Mississippi and will attend my guild’s retreat in NH in May. Another goal was to enter and show my quilts. Two of my quilts were at a local library with other guild members, entered one in the Maine quilt show this summer. Entered two from my modern guild in a local quilt show in April, hands across the valley, and will enter in the Big E this Fall.
Two new skills I am working on machine free motion quilting and hand quilting!
Fun stuff Thank you for putting all of this together for us
Thank you Tami! I’m so glad you’re finding the site useful!!