Your Home for all things Civil War Reproduction!

On July 4, 1863 the beaten and weary Confederate Army began their retreat from the town of Gettysburg. As vehicles had not yet been invented, the soldiers marched on foot. Their first stop was a small piece of land along Fairfield Road. That same plot of land now holds an entire warehouse sized fabric store called Needle & Thread.

Welcome to Needle & Thread!
There are two things most people think of when you mention the great state of Pennsylvania, the Amish community and Gettysburg. But if you’re looking for Civil War Reproduction fabrics or simply want to peruse through a small warehouse of fabric? Needle & Thread Fabrics is your quilt shop!

Owned and operated by the sweetest couple you could ever meet, Darlene and Karl Grube. Married now 62 years, together they have run the store since 1964! Karl was more than happy to share with us all about his love for Darlene and the history of not only the store but Gettysburg in general.
A Little Civil War Reproduction History
For instance, did you know that people from all over the world perform reenactments from those infamous three days in 1863? In fact, here’s a photo of Darlene and a visitor from Australia!

The town of Gettysburg in 1863 was home to many immigrants, most were of German or Irish origin. In the days during and after the battle, many wrote letters to their home countries telling the tales of what had transpired. Word of the horrific scenes spread quickly.
Not only did the Battle of Gettysburg change the course of the war, it also changed the way in which war was fought. Many battle tactics and strategies were learned and learned from. In fact, so much can be gleamed from those three days, people from all over the world are still studying them today.

What All Does Needle & Thread Carry?
Needle & Thread Fabrics is most definitely your quilt shop if you’re ever in need of Civil War reproductions. Their selection covers multiple sections including 4 rows and a side wall! Available in yardage and precuts, I simply couldn’t help myself and came home with a fabulous Fat Quarter bundle! Be on the lookout for an upcoming Civil War Reproduction quilt. It’s already in the works!

Needle & Thread Fabrics is a complete store for both quilters and sewists alike. They carry a wide variety of fabrics including:
- Multiple lines of Civil War Reproduction fabric
- Pat Klein Family Heirlooms
- Charlie Chas County Cloth
- Tart Woolens from Pendleton
- Thousands more bolts of Quilters Cotton
- Dess cloth
- Broadcloths
- Flannel
- And most any notion you can think of!

Even if visiting the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is not on your Bucket List, Darlene and Karl at Needle & Thread Fabrics quilt shop definitely should be. It’s a one of a kind fabric store / quilt shop you’ll never forget!
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